Thursday 29 May 2014


Fifteen years of democratic rule in Nigeria has not in any way been beneficial to the masses.

This was the submission of the Chairman of a political movement, Atayese, Dr Adeolu Olusodo while discussing the gains of the masses after 15years of democracy in Nigeria.


 Dr Olusodo who identified Local Government Council as the nearest arm of government to the people said the arm has not been up and doing in its tasks to the masses, adding that the state is taking most of the responsibilities of the local government, hence, dividends of democracy is not evenly shared among all and sundry.


As inclined in the 1999 constitution, Dr Olusodo identified the major functions of a local government council as making recommendations to a state commission on economic planning or any similar body; establishment of homes for the destitute; provision of public conveniences, amongst others. He spoke further that the local government council has not been doing all these, and when they do, citizens are being levied for it.


Speaking, the General Secretary, Lagos Marginalized Communities Forum, Agbodemu Ishola Musibau said though there is nothing to account for after 15years of democracy, yet, citizens have been doing as if they are well pleased adding that they have not risen to the task of demanding for their rights.


Referring to the havoc caused by a democratic government a day preceding the democracy day, Agbodemu shared the plight of the residents of Makoko as their houses were demolished. He added that how could those people have said to have gained from the democratic rule.


Speaking on the way forward, Dr Femi Akinlade said the reason there is no solution to the problems in this country is because everybody wants to find solution to his/her problem instead of finding solution together as one.

He thereby enjoined everyone present at the event, which was used to mark the democracy day 2014 to co-operate and jointly work towards finding solutions to the problems facing this nation.

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